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: -As winds started to pick up tossing trash from side to side as a small piece of it would rap around a mans jeans leg stopping him in his tracks coverd in a worn out leather brown jacket as his hoodie would cover his head hidding his scar which would run across his eye reaching into his hair line about an inch or two in,he would lean down as his hand would reach down and pull away the trash,after a few seconds the clouds would begin to roar lightly as small rain drops would begin to fall until eventually pouring down while the roars started to get louder,while as the man began to think the strom would be here sooner then expected,clearing his head he would begin to walk down the path he was on getting soaked in the heavy rain as he would see a couple run towards his way while the man would hit his shoulder tossing each of their shoulders to the side as it caused them to face each other while the man in raged he would yell out to the hoodie coverd man and yell out-Hey assho..-Stoping mid sentence as he would begin to get scared from what he saw as the man faced was covered by the hoodie as a lighting strike down bewond a good distance but it would be enough light for the raged with anger to see low dim red glowing off the man's face as he would grab his parthner and hold her close as he would rush her down the other way,while the man cleared his distance he would clean then face foward a began to walk once again walking a couple more yards he would feel his clothing get heavier from the rain as he would lift and turn his head to the side as he saw an old temple holding a religiouse symbol on it as it turn out it would be a church,he would turn his body heading in the direction of the church as he would hope he would get out of the rain for a couple of minutes so he would let his clothes dry off reaching the door he would oepn it carefully as he did not want to disturb what ever was happening inside-

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